Dewine and Cordray Focus on the Opioid Crisis

What may turnout to be the top issue in the campaign to replace John Kasich as Governor of Ohio, Republican Mike Dewine and Democrat Richard Cordray are sparring over who is to blame for the Opioid Crisis as well as to how to fix it.  In an usual twist, both candidates for Governor are or […]

Policy Solutions to the Opioid Crisis

Battling opioid addiction is a top policy priority throughout the United States and local and state policymakers and the federal government are focused on addressing the issue.  From a federal and state government perspective, solutions range from gathering data to define the problem to funding to border security to regulatory changes to empowering states and […]

Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank Report Identifies Economic Challenge of Opioid Crisis

The Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank released a groundbreaking report on the impact of the opioid crisis on the Fourth Federal Reserve District that includes Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  The findings of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank were troubling to say the least and provide a clear policy mandate for local, state and federal […]

The Role of a Regional Economic Analysis in a Corporate Site Location Process

Measuring a region’s economic performance is the next critical step to a corporate site location analysis. Again, population growth, regional Gross Domestic Product growth, market size and other factors are critical to measuring the economic attractiveness of a market.   The population size of a market is an important measure of a region’s overall attractiveness.  The […]

Importance of Demographics and the Corporate Site Location Decision

How a site compares to others sites from a demographic standpoint can be a critical factor in a corporate site location decision. Demographics measures the impact of population on any given issue.  For over two hundred years, the impact of population growth on economic development has been a hot topic.  In 1798, Thomas Malthus, a […]

Measuring a State Economic Outlook for a Corporate Site Location Decision

A critical factor impacting a company’s corporate site location is the economic success of the state in which they are considering locating.  State governments play a large role in the success of a region. Companies will conduct a review of the state’s economic performance through a review of the state’s economy involves understanding the state’s […]

5 Strategies to Prepare Opportunity Zones for Development

The waiting is painful. The U.S. Treasury Department has certified over 8700 census tracts across the United States as Opportunity Zones.  Through a comprehensive public engagement process the nation’s Governors recommended eligible census tracts and the Treasury all according to the required statutory deadline certified the Opportunity Zone census tracts across the U.S. that can […]