Indoor Agriculture to be a 2021 Growth Market Driven by State Marijuana Laws

Agriculture, food, and related industries contributed $1.109 trillion to the U.S. GDP in 2019, a 5.2-percent share, and, the output of America’s farms contributed $136.1 billion of this sum—about 0.6 percent of GDP.[i] The overall contribution of agriculture to GDP is actually larger than 0.6 percent because sectors related to agriculture rely on agricultural inputs […]

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Food and Beverage Manufacturing to Grow in 2021 Driven by Large Markets and Ag Product Access

Food manufacturing or food processing is a growing industry whose prospects are even brighter for U.S. production as the “eat local movement” and COVID 19 creates food security issues has the potential to drive additional production of this industry to domestic locations but is in regions with easy access to agriculture products.  Industries in the

Food and Beverage Manufacturing to Grow in 2021 Driven by Large Markets and Ag Product Access Read More »

New Markets Tax Credit a Prime Tool for Corporate Site Location Projects

Federal New Market Tax Credits provide a funding source for companies considering a corporate site location projects located in federally designated low income areas.  The Federal New Markets Tax Credit provides a 39% Federal Tax Credit Over 7 Years and $1M Ohio Tax Credit paired with Federal Credit for real estate investments in poor communities

New Markets Tax Credit a Prime Tool for Corporate Site Location Projects Read More »

Proposed Ohio Development Services Agency Budget Recommends Big Cuts to Successful Programs

Governor Mike DeWine’s Ohio Development Services Agency (DSA) operating budget proposal has clear winners and losers.  Fueled by a planned influx of federal funding and additional Ohio General Revenue Fund (GRF) funding, Governor DeWine’s proposed DSA operating budget proposes a 37% decrease from all funding sources for a total FY 2022 budget of $1.7B and

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Education & Workforce Remain a Major Focus for Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’ Budget

COVID 19 did not solve the workforce challenge facing communities and companies across the United States.  The growing group of unemployed are likely not skilled in the in-demand occupations companies are searching for.  In an attempt to answer the workforce challenge, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine submitted his state of Ohio operating budget for fiscal years

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Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Kicks-Off State Operating Budget Season

State operating budgets are the largest undertaking most state governments undertake.  Ohio operates based upon a two year budget that is generally introduced, debated and enacted in the first half of odd number years to ensure the state agencies, schools, hospitals, and universities have access to funding as the new fiscal year starts on July

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134th Ohio General Assembly Committee Leadership Impacted by New Legislative Leaders

Ohio House of Representative Speaker Bob Cupp and Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman announced which committees will be returning as well as the addition of new committees for the 134th General Assembly. The committee announcements also brought the list of committee chair and membership makeup, in many cases, impacted by the election of the new

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Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Outlines $1 B Program to Combat COVID Economy

Governor Mike DeWine, as part of his state operating budget kickoff, announced a broad and impressive $1 B Investing in Ohio program designed to impact the economic downturn created by the COVID 19 virus.  Ohio like many other states around the country have experienced reduced revenues, and economic activity due to the pandemic and the

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Outlines $1 B Program to Combat COVID Economy Read More »