Logistics Driven by E-Commerce Growth will Focus on Regions with PPP in 2021

Shifts in consumer behavior to more e-commerce, increased industrial production and increased imports are all driving tremendous growth in the U.S. logistics, distribution, and fulfillment center industry. Today’s fulfillment center is replacing the job losses in the manufacturing industry as automation driven by technological advances and reduced costs of Artificial Intelligence and robotics. COVID 19 […]
Data Center Growth Continues in 2021 Triggered by E-Commerce & Tax Incentives

A data center is a physical facility that organizations use to house their critical computer applications and data. Several types of data centers operate including enterprise data centers that a single company houses on corporate campus; managed services data centers run by third party providers; colocation data centers where a company rents space within another’s […]
Technology Disrupters Focused on Skilled IT Workforce Remain Strong Bets for 2021

Technology based economic disruption will remain a prime driver of company growth in 2021. Creation of new use of technology tied to the adoption of new consumer behavior or the entrance of a major new market competitor create economic disruption. The disruption economy allows companies and communities to redefine how and why they work to […]
Loss of Florida’s State Economic Development Incentive to Impact the Sunshine State

Nearly all fifty states have a prime economic development incentive program used to retain or attract companies with high-wage jobs in targeted, high-growth industries. Florida’s Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program (QTI) was the prime economic development incentive the state of Florida used to retain and attract businesses to the Sunshine State. The QTI Program […]
New Jersey Jumps Back into Economic Development Incentives with a $14B Program

The state of New Jersey finally jumped back into the world of economic development incentives with the state legislature passed and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed the legislation in December of 2020. The New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020 provides for the administration of programs and policies related to jobs, property development, food […]
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Programs are Critical Funding Opportunities.

Saving historic structures can be a key element to an economic development strategy—especially when it comes to redevelop rural Downtowns whose walkable areas are attractive to younger workers. For 41 years the U.S. National Park Services, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, has administered the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program. The redevelopment […]
California to Continue Hemorrhaging Jobs to Desert Southwest

California’s high tax rates and cost of living will continue to drive companies and their executives out of the Golden State to greener pastures in the Desert Southwest and beyond in 2021. The high profile move of Elon Musk, successful serial entrepreneur, from California to Texas due to the tax burden of the Golden State […]
Remote Working Demand New Tax Policy and Quality of Life Strategies in 2021

Remote work will be a trend from 2020 that continues well beyond the reduction of COVID 19 infection rates. According to a recent Forbes story, the Conference Board conducted two surveys among U.S. HR executives in April and in September. Just five percent of respondents reported that, prior to the pandemic, 40 percent or more […]
Economic Development Incentive Reports Create Opportunities for Companies in 2021

All fifty U.S. states offer some form of economic development incentives to offset regional cost of business measures. As the chart below outlines, infrastructure incentives are provided by all the states in the union. State economic development tax credits follow closely behind infrastructure program as the second most popular tax incentive program in the nation […]
Montrose Group 2021 Corporate Site Location Trends Illustrate COVID 19 Impact

Forecasting corporate site location trends is always a tricky business. Montrose Group, based upon negotiating over $1 B in corporate site location projects and advising communities across the U.S., is providing their 2021 Corporate Site Location Trends White Paper based upon existing economic and demographic data that illustrate what trends will continue and which ones […]