Ohio Corporate Site Location & Tax Incentive Update

The Ohio Corporate Site Location & Tax Incentive Update will provide a comprehensive look at the site selection process through the lens of economic development, real estate, local and state tax codes, and incentives. Johnna Reeder, President of REDI Cincinnati, will deliver the keynote address on how companies can maximize their gain from the corporate

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Ohio Tax Expenditure Review Committee Prepares for Next Budget Battle

With the growth in Ohio state government spending, the upcoming Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-22 operating budget is anticipated to be a challenging awaiting a new Governor and the 132nd  Ohio  General Assembly  that will include a new Speaker of the Ohio House.  HB 9 from the 131st General Assembly created the Ohio Tax Expenditure Committee that

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Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Plays a Major Role in Public Policy Debates

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) affects every household in Ohio. That’s because the PUCO regulates providers of all kinds of utility services, including electric and natural gas companies, local and long distance telephone companies, water and wastewater companies, rail and trucking companies. The PUCO was created to assure Ohioans adequate, safe and reliable

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State Capital Budget Sails Smoothly Through Ohio General Assembly

Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the state of Ohio Capital Budget into law—his last capital bill as Governor.  The billion dollar capital budget funded a wide array of education, mental health, opioid, and community projects. As in past years, the largest portion of capital appropriations supports repairs, renovations and new primary and secondary education facilities

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Ohioans to Vote on New Redistricting Plan

Legislative redistricting reform has been a major topic of debate across the United States.  Reform advocates believe the more competitive legislative districts, particularly for the U.S. House of Representatives will result in more balanced public policy flowing out of the Congress and Statehouses around the United States. According to the Brennen Center for Justice, nearly

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Governor Kucinich?

Cordray v. DeWine- that is the General Election line up most Statehouse pundits envision to replace Ohio Governor John Kasich.  Both are time tested Ohio politicians.  With Cordray’s decision to enter the race, quality candidates such as former Congresswoman Betty Sutton, former State Representative Connie Pillich and Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley dropped out and supported

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Ohio House Majority Leadership Battle in Full Swing

Legislative term limits not only remove successful legislators from their positions in the Ohio General Assembly but they bring with them ugly fights for the leadership positions that run the day to day operations of the Statehouse.  Some transitions are smooth and handled internally by members of the Ohio General Assembly usually through member votes

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