Water and Sewer Programs Offer Local Government Critical Funding Options

The provision of water and sewer service is a critical piece for any economic development strategy. However, the ability of communities to fund local water and sewer service without outside support has come into question lately. A recent state of Ohio water and sewer infrastructure program had over one billion dollars in requests for funding […]

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JobsOhio Vibrant Community Program Offers Underserved Communities a Hand Up

Not all communities have an equal opportunity for success. For decades, rural communities have been home to the U.S. manufacturing base, and now face declining population statistics. Urban centers are home to the wealthiest zip codes and some of the poorest with wide discrepancies in educational and income levels located just blocks apart. The federal

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Boone County Kicking Off Kentucky Transportation Improvement Districts to Address Regional Needs

United States’ highways and roads move 72%, or nearly $17 trillion, of the nation’s goods. Yet, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the nation’s roadway infrastructure is struggling to meet the existing demand with nearly half of our existing roadways in poor or mediocre condition.  Many communities are looking for new tools to

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Foreign Direct Investment Remains a 2024 Corporate Site Location Success Story

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) should continue to be good business for corporate site location projects in 2024. FDI is investments made by foreign companies or individuals in the United States. FDI or direct investment is a category of cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree of influence

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Rise of the Great Lakes Continues as Battle for 2024 Corporate Site Location Projects

The Great Lakes states are primed for an economic renaissance. The Great Lakes Region includes eight states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) and two Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec) that surround the five interconnected freshwater bodies known as the Great Lakes. The area is home to 107 million people, 51

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U.S. Corporate Site Location Process Driven by Market Research and Local and State Government Incentives

Global companies seeking a corporate site location in the United States need target markets with like industries, quality sites, a job-ready workforce and a competitive cost of doing business. The corporate site location process begins with defining the project to learn about the industry, the number of jobs, payroll, and capital investment planned by a

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American Manufacturing Supercycle to Drive Economic Growth

A consensus among economic leaders is building that the United States is entering a sustained period of manufacturing growth known as a “Supercycle.” The Corporate Finance Institute defines a Supercycle as a period of strong economic growth, leading to sustained demand for commodities, and Fortune magazine defines a Supercycle as “a sustained spell of abnormally

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Montrose Group Clients Gain Over $10 M in State Funding as General Assembly Leaves Town

The Ohio General Assembly on the last day of session before the November Election on June 26, 2024, approved the largest capital budget in the state’s history, with the passage of House Bill 2, which appropriates $6.2 Billion in capital infrastructure funding supporting the renovation and construction of the state’s buildings and assets including funding

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Food and Beverage Industry is a Major Leader in the U.S. Economy

While many industries will struggle to launch corporate site location projects in 2024, that should not be the case for the U.S. food and beverage industry. Food and beverage manufacturing plants transform raw food commodities into products for intermediate or final consumption by applying labor, machinery, energy, and scientific knowledge. Some products may serve as

Food and Beverage Industry is a Major Leader in the U.S. Economy Read More »