Corporate Site Location Market and Industry Analysis Critical to Company Site Decision

Companies who have decided on launching a corporate site location process should start with an analysis of a list of regions economic market performance and whether those markets are home to companies of like industries in which they can share public policy, infrastructure and workforce benefits.  Market research begins to define growing economic, industry cluster, […]

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Montrose Group Top Ten 2022 Trends Impacting Corporate Site Location Illustrating Continued Impact of COVID 19 and Emerging Technology

100 factors or trends could impact a company’s decision to grow where they are or travel elsewhere.  However, Montrose Group annually releases their top ten trends impacting corporate site location decisions.  First, let’s discuss a “trend” versus a “fad.”  The mullet haircut hopefully was just a fad- popular in the short term but not a

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Answers to Six Questions Define a Corporate Site Location Project

The corporate site location process begins with defining the project to learn about the industry, number of jobs, payroll and capital investment planned by a company, needs for the project site and geographic markets that fit the company’s business plan leading to the creation of potential state and regional target list for the company’s location.

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Five Steps for Corporate Site Location Process Support Company Success

The corporate site location process decides where a company locates, and, while Princeton Economics estimates companies gain $30B in economic development incentives, this process is about a lot more than tax incentives and involves five distinct steps. Montrose Group Corporate Site Location Process   Project Definition. Companies whose lease is expiring, have expected job growth

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Interns Help Ohio Businesses Achieve Export Success

The Ohio Export Internship Program gives businesses the help they need to expand sales to new markets. The Ohio Export Internship Program matches businesses interested in growing exports with highly motivated college students who have taken export-focused coursework. The Ohio Department of Development offers participating small to medium-sized businesses a 50 percent reimbursement for the

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Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program Round 27 Winners Announced and Round 28 Opening

The Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program provides a tax credit to leverage the private redevelopment of historic buildings. The program is highly competitive and receives applications bi-annually in March and September.  With 27 rounds of funding complete, tax credits have been approved for over 500 projects to rehabilitate over nearly 800 historic buildings in

Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program Round 27 Winners Announced and Round 28 Opening Read More »

Ohio Landbanks Play Critical Role in Community Development

The emergence of the $150 M Ohio Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program and the role of the Ohio landbanks has brought these critical community development organizations to center stage.  Ohio’s county land bank concept was based on a successful program in Genesee County, Michigan, which includes the industrial city of Flint. The Genesee County land

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Redevelopment Projects Benefit from a Wide Range of Local and State Partnership

Redeveloping an existing building has always been more complicated and expensive than transforming a corn field into an office or industrial complex.  However, a new generation of workers are driving communities and companies to take another look at transforming existing structures into new housing, office and commercial opportunities. In fact, historic rehabilitation for communities large

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Ohio Legislature Revamps Designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas

DORAs authorize municipal corporations and townships to establish designated areas where beer and intoxicating liquor containers purchased from a designated establishment can be consumed at different locations within a defined footprint. Codified under Ohio Revised Code 4301.82, the act allows the executive officer of a Municipal Corporation or the fiscal officer of a Township to

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$150 M Ohio Building Demo & Site Revitalization Program Supports Redevelopment

The Ohio Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program provides $150 M with $500,000 set-aside per county grants for a wide range of revitalization projects. A “Lead Entity” must be established for each county by December 20, 2021 who will be awarded the county’s $500,000 in funding all be only one Lead Entity per county. Where

$150 M Ohio Building Demo & Site Revitalization Program Supports Redevelopment Read More »