Housing is a Major 2023 Corporate Site Location Trend

Housing is joining workforce development to become a major corporate site location trend in 2023.  Growing regions like Central Ohio are developing 2.5 jobs for every 1 residential permit creating a housing shortage.  Regions not growing are failing to develop substantial residential growth.  Finally, rural regions are losing population at an alarming rate and desperately […]

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Workforce Development Remains a Critical Corporate Site Location Factor in 2023

2023 will remain a year when successful workforce development strategies will impact corporate site location projects.  Ohio offers an interesting model for how Central Ohio’s growing and well-educated population base is driving economic development and corporate site location growth.  First, let’s understand the Ohio marketplace. The population of Ohio, which is currently sitting at just

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Tax Policy to be at the Center of Ohio Statehouse in 2023

With substantial economic development victories such as the $20B Intel “fab” facility, Honda LG EV battery facility and others across the state, Ohio Governor Mike Dewine is likely to want to focus on expanding the base of social services for areas such as mental health during his second term.  However, the Ohio House of Representatives

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Workforce Development Remains a Critical Corporate Site Location Factor in 2023

2023 will remain a year when successful workforce development strategies will impact corporate site location projects.  Job openings have exceeded the number of unemployed workers in the United States since July 2021, suggesting an extremely tight labor market as the economy emerges from the pandemic-induced recession.[i] Much of the shortfall in the labor force has

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Tax Policy to be at the Center of Ohio Statehouse in 2023

With substantial economic development victories such as the $20B Intel “fab” facility, Honda LG EV battery facility and others across the state, Ohio Governor Mike Dewine is likely to want to focus on expanding the base of social services for areas such as mental health during his second term.  However, the election of conservative State

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135th Ohio General Assembly Brings New Leadership and Republican Dominance

As the calendar turns to January bringing in 2023, it also signals the start of the 135th General Assembly. Like previous beginnings Ohio’s legislature holds firmly in Republican control. This past November both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate increased their majorities continuing a decades long trend of the state’s swing towards conservative candidates.

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Economic Downturn Triggers Importance of Economic Development Incentive Compliance Reports in 2023

An economic downturn coming in 2023 driven by rising interest rates and rising costs will increase the importance of compliance with existing economic development incentive agreements—creating a critical 2023 corporate site location trend. As the table below from Columbus, Ohio-based economic development incentive reports, Work from Home (WFH) also has had a major impact on

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