
  • 10-year Cash Incentive Program provides quarterly cash payments up to 5% of new payrolls for up to 10 years. Companies must achieve an average wage threshold and $2.5 million in new annual payrolls within three years to qualify. Companies must offer basic health insurance to employees. In some cases, qualifying companies must also attain 75% out-of-state sales.
  • Small Employer Quality Jobs Program provides quarterly incentive payments to a qualifying small employer (500 employees or less). Quarterly payments may be as much as 5% of new taxable payroll for up to 7 years.
  • 21st Century Quality Jobs Program is specially tuned for businesses with a highly-skilled, knowledge-based workforce. This unique incentive may pay qualifying businesses cash back, up to 10 percent of payroll, for up to ten years for the creation of 10 jobs with an average wage of $104,954 annually or higher, depending on the county.
  • Quality Jobs Program and Investment Tax Credits Program target manufacturing industries that have a large capital investment of at least $40 million in addition to creating new jobs that pay higher than the state average wages. The credits also allow a five-year tax credit on the greater of 2% per year of investment in qualified new depreciable property or credit of $1,000 per year per new job.
  • American Indian Lands Tax Credit offers a special federal tax treatment. Businesses locating or expanding in certain areas can claim accelerated federal depreciation on their buildings, resulting in tax savings of up to 40%. Additionally, businesses in qualifying areas that hire Native Americans or their spouses living in the area can claim federal tax credits of up to $4,000 per qualifying employee.
  • Investment / New Jobs Package provides growing manufacturers a significant tax credit based on either an investment in depreciable property or on the addition of full-time-equivalent employees engaged in manufacturing, processing, or aircraft maintenance.
  • Manufacturing Sales Tax Exemptions manufacturers who qualify for and obtain a Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Exemption Permit (MSEP). The exemptions cover purchases of machinery and equipment, energy and tangible personal property used in design, development and the manufacturing operation at the manufacturing site.