Montrose Group is Focused on COVID 19 Economic Recovery Services

Amid the negative news stories, skyrocketing unemployment numbers and a myriad of webinars and videoconference calls, nearly a month into a COVID 19 world, the Montrose Group is focused on economic recovery.  Local, state and federal policy makers are promoting social distancing and a range of public health steps designed to limit the spread of […]

JobsOhio Announces a $200M COVID 19 Response Agenda

JobsOhio is the state of Ohio’s private sector economic development corporation. The organization operates off of the state’s liquor profits and is one of the best funded state economic development organization in the United States. JobsOhio announced a substantial state economic development response to COVID 19. JobsOhio announced initiatives aimed at helping existing JobsOhio clients […]

Ohio Starts COVID 19 Response to Regulatory Relief and Business Support Program

Governor Mike DeWine, the Ohio General Assembly and JobsOhio are starting to push an agenda to provide COVID 19 regulatory relief and support for Ohio based companies. Governor Mike DeWine, the forty-year public servant who served in local, state and federal government at the highest levels, was attacked in the 2018 campaign for Governor as […]

Market Conditions/Force Majeure Can Protect Companies in Tax Incentive Agreements

COVID 19 is having a dramatic impact on many company’s plans for job growth and capital investment. Thousands of these companies have gained local and state economic development tax incentives which have a tax incentive agreement that award tax credits, tax abatements, loans and/or grants. However, in exchange for those public sector tax incentives, the […]

Economic development incentives in the age of COVID-19

We are in truly unprecedented times both economically and culturally. In the span of one week the S&P 500 suffered its largest loss in one day since 1987 and its largest gain in one day since 1933. We entered a bear market two weeks ago only to have it turn into a bull market by […]

Federal Stimulus Pumps Funding into USDA to Support Rural Economy

Through the $2.2 Trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will receive funding across many of its most vital programs to support the agriculture industry sector and rural America. Overall, the bill will send roughly $48.9 Billion to the USDA, which does not include added funding for […]