Sharpen your Pencil, Its Time for Lobbying on the Operating Budget

Ohio might pass a two-year operating budget by June 30, 2021, but the real work is beginning now inside Governor DeWine’s administration. The Governor’s Office of Budget and Management (OBM) recently released the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget guidance documents, which go to each of the state’s cabinet agencies and other departments and non-cabinet agencies. Every […]

Ohio House Bill 6 Loses Energy

As we head into the stretch of summer big issues loom in front of the Ohio legislature. In the wake of the fallout from former Speaker Larry Householder’s arrest and subsequent indictment earlier this summer along with three others, the legislation at the center of the scandal House Bill 6, which provided a subsidy for […]

Montrose Way Capitol Conversation

September 1, 2020 Montrose Group Campaign Finance, Lobbying and Ethics Webinar Join us for a webinar on Sep 30, 2020 at 9:00 AM EDT.  Register now! Recent political and lobbying scandals illustrate the importance of complying with Ohio campaign finance, lobbying and ethics laws, rules and regulations. Local, state and federal governments impact the lives […]

Site Development Strategy a Key to Developing Domestic Supply Chain

Attracting the supply chain of American companies closer to domestic facilities starts with an understanding as to how the supply chain companies can locate in sites primed and job-ready for development.  The first step in the site development process is to understand the region’s potential for economic growth, availability of a skilled workforce and the […]

Automation of American Business Processes to Expand Due to COVID 19

COVID 19 should dramatically push companies wishing to survive to automate whatever process they can.  Automation is the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically and can further be defined as the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services.[i]  Recent […]

Using Designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas as an Economic Development Tool

Communities with a strong sense of place and livable downtowns drive commerce to quaint storefronts and locally owned restaurants and create a place where people want to be. As the desires of existing residents, future residents and tourists have been shifting over the years to live in communities that have a unique identity, community leaders […]

A Brand NEW Podcast Series: The Development Debate

The Montrose Group is excited to announce the launch of our new podcast, The Development Debate!  Each episode, our team at the Montrose Group will address a wide range of topics surrounding economic development with interviews and guest speakers from leaders in the industry. Episode 1: Answering The Big Questions Around Economic DevelopmentJoin Dave Robinson, Principle […]

State Budget and Energy Issues Dominate Ohio Statehouse Lobbying Focus in 2019-20

The state of Ohio operating, capital, transportation and workers compensation agency budgets  along with controversial energy legislation all dominated Statehouse lobbying efforts in 2019 and 2020.  All Ohio lobbying registrations are submitted electronically through the Ohio Lobbying Activity Center (“OLAC”)—a website designed and maintained by the OLIG, andOLAC serves as a database for the public to view, search, and compile […]

Congress Regulates Lobbying Through Public Disclosure & Expenditure Limits

Lobbyist must also register and comply with federal government regulations dictated by the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate for legislative lobbyists.  For federal lobbying, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, which governs federal lobbying, defines lobbying activities as any oral, written or electronic communication made to an executive or legislative branch official on behalf of a […]