Ohio General Assembly Starting State Capital Budget Community Project and Community Investment Fund Process

The Ohio General Assembly has started the process to gain input from community leaders on what state of Ohio capital budget community projects and the newly created Community Investment Fund should be proposed for planned legislation. A lot like the state operating budget, the state capital budget is passed every 2 years, in the second […]

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Ohio Voters Support Two Liberal Ballot Issues on Abortion Rights and Recreational Marijuana

Ohio’s Supermajority Republican General Assembly, Republican slate of statewide officeholders and an overwhelming Republican Congressional Delegation does not mean the state’s voters will always following a conservative patch.  Ohio voters in the November 2023 election proved that perspective when they voted in support of an abortion rights amendment to the Ohio Constitution and a legislative

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Rebuilding Diverse Markets is the Key to Downtown Development

Following the definition of an urban Downtowns economic development challenge, companies and communities need to implement an action plan based upon focusing on the opportunities for the Downtown and the region based upon the building block of all successful economies- focus on creating a diverse market from growing industries. Downtowns can continue to thrive by

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Ohio’s Baker Dozen Economic Development Financing Tools Support Developing Housing

Rising interest rates, bank collapses, and potential additional federal regulation have created substantial challenges for communities and developers hoping to create new housing opportunities.  Housing studies, streamlined zoning regulation, and parking subsidies can all help develop housing in urban, suburban, and rural markets but larger public subsidies in the near term are likely to be

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Defining the Challenges and Opportunities for Downtown: Urban Doom Loop

The urban Downtown office market is facing a crisis which is only going to get worse.  The Downtown office vacancy rates from Cushman and Wakefield’s 2023 analysis as outlined in the chart below in the major urban markets throughout the Great Lakes illustrate substantial struggles with the current Downtown office markets.  This data is of

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Great Lakes States Housing Offers a Competitive Advantage

The Great Lakes region’s housing stock is a critical corporate site location advantage. Housing is joining workforce development to become a major corporate site location issue.  Regions not growing are failing to develop substantial residential growth.  Finally, rural regions are losing population at an alarming rate and desperately need new residential products to retain existing

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Great Lakes States Remain a Global Manufacturing Center

The Great Lakes states remain a manufacturing powerhouse. Manufacturing remains at the center of the Great Lakes economy.  An important measure for these regions is their concentration in the company’s industry.  Industry clusters are regional concentrations of related industries.[i] Clusters consist of companies, suppliers, and service providers, as well as government agencies and other institutions

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Great Lakes States Remain a Growing Economic Market

Growing economic markets are prime targets for companies considering economic expansion. Growing markets illustrate a healthy economy that attracts large pools of skilled workers.   The Great Lakes states are a growing economic market. The five Great Lakes States including Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have a total economic output as measured by

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Six Great Lakes States Growth Prospects Conclusions

The Great Lakes states are primed for an economic renaissance. The Great Lakes Region includes eight states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) and two Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec) that surround the five interconnected freshwater bodies known as the Great Lakes. The area is home to 107 million people, 51

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