Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Program is a Critical Company Financing Option

With the exhaustion of the prime SBA program to support small businesses harmed by COVID 19, the Federal Reserve Bank’s Main Street Program could be an important financing option for many companies.The Main Street Lending Program has $75 B to serve as a base to leverage up to $600 B in liquidity to participating lenders

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Survey of State COVID 19 Business Support Programs

Alabama Governor Ivey and the Alabama Department of Revenue have extended the state income tax filing due date from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties or interest. Alaska Established the Alaska COVID-19 Emergency Business Loan Program to provide 100% state-guaranteed loans to Alaskan businesses for immediate relief and loan program will be

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State Governments at the Epicenter of COVID 19 Economic Recovery

After the usual political tussling, President Trump acknowledged much of the COVID 19 recovery will be driven by state governments who under the United States of America political system control many aspects of the nation’s public health laws.  There is no federal director of public health with the authority to open and close businesses. That

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Montrose Group Answers Call of Ohio House Economic Recovery Task Force by Submitting COVID 19 Ohio Stimulus White Paper

Ohio House of Representatives Speaker Larry Householder formed a special task for to address the need for economic recovery from COVID 19.  The Montrose Group based upon a review of all fifty state economic recovery plans and a strong knowledge of Ohio’s economic development program recommended eight steps the state should consider to restore the

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Montrose Group is Focused on COVID 19 Economic Recovery Services

Amid the negative news stories, skyrocketing unemployment numbers and a myriad of webinars and videoconference calls, nearly a month into a COVID 19 world, the Montrose Group is focused on economic recovery.  Local, state and federal policy makers are promoting social distancing and a range of public health steps designed to limit the spread of

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