Ohio Statehouse Regulates Lobbying Through Public Disclosure and Expenditure Limits

In Ohio, a lobbyist is a person who is compensated to actively advocate the interests of others before Ohio’s legislative and executive branches, or one of the state’s retirement systems.xix A person or entity who compensates a lobbyist to advocate on its behalf is referred to as an employer, and the relationship between an employer and a […]

Many Ohio Cities Require Lobbying Registration

Ohio municipalities spend billions of dollars in revenues and adopt policies and sign government contracts impacting individuals, companies, labor unions and other groups. Like their counterparts at the state and federal government, many larger Ohio municipalities require lobbyist to register with the city and comply with ethics regulations. Columbus, Ohio—the state’s largest city by far—defines […]

Lobbying has a Long American History

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (italics added) The lobbying profession […]

COVID 19 Shifting Supply Chain Strategies Closer to U.S. Facilities

COVID 19 has illustrated the challenges created by a global supply chain for thousands of American companies. A supply chain is a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product to the final buyer.  This network includes different activities, people, entities, information, and resources.  The supply chain also represents […]

COVID 19 May Impact Existing Ohio Tax Incentives

Not all companies will leave 2020 with job gains they anticipated when the year started. Companies with existing economic development incentive agreements in place need to make sure they are going to be able to comply with their existing tax incentive agreements.  The award of tax incentives always requires the company receiving this public benefit […]

Ohio Launches COVID 19 Responsible Return to Work Program

45 states ordered some form of a “stay in place” order and mandated closures of many types of businesses that have high-customer and worker contact and millions of restaurants, schools, restaurants, bars, salons, barbers, adult day support, vocational habilitation services in a congregate setting, older adult day care services and senior centers, child care services, […]

JobsOhio Provides $500 M in COVID 19 Business Recovery Funding

JobsOhio is the state of Ohio’s private sector economic development corporation.  JobsOhio announced a substantial state economic development response to COVID 19 as outlined below: Personal Protective Equipment.  JobsOhio has spent $69 M for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use by Ohio businesses as well as supported the expansion of the PPE production industry in […]

SBA Prime Source of COVID 19 Survival Financing

COVID 19 has forced millions of American businesses to seek local, state, and federal government subsidized short term financing to survive an economy pushed into recession by a series of state public health decisions.  The passage of the federal Stimulus legislation has substantial changes to the U.S. Small Business Administration which should make this organization […]

Montrose Group Publishes COVID 19 Business Survival Guide

The national tax incentive and economic development consulting firm, Montrose Group, released the COVID 19 Business Survival Guide to help companies navigate this unprecedented public health crisis.  Amid the negative news stories, skyrocketing unemployment numbers and a myriad of webinars and video conference calls, companies across America are working to figure out how to survive […]