American Rescue Plan Act Supports Development of Broadband Networks Critical for Economic Growth

The work from home revolution that COVID 19 is spreading could be a boon for communities who address quality of life issues but not unless they have adequate broadband to serve this digital revolution. Consumers and businesses are using their mobile devices more than ever before to connect to everyone and everything around them. As […]

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Infrastructure Development is a Key Corporate Site Location Opportunity with American Rescue Plan Act Funding

The development of a site is a critical step in the corporate site location process.  Financing for the public infrastructure tied to the site is generally the most challenging aspect to the site development process.  With buying, building, or renting, a company considering a site for an economic development project needs a pro forma to

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Local, State and Tribal Government ARPA Funding Supports Corporate Site Location Projects

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides $350 B dollars in emergency funding for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to remedy this mismatch between rising costs and falling revenues. This includes: • $195 B for states, (a minimum of $500 M for each State); • $130 B for local governments (a minimum of $1.25

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American Rescue Plan Act: Once in a Generation Economic Development Opportunity

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) brings the total federal stimulus spending up to $6 T dollars with the addition of $1.9 T in ARPA. To paraphrase famous U.S. Senator Everett Dirksen from the 1960s, a trillion dollar here, a trillion dollars there, pretty soon you are starting to talk about real money.  In broad

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Municipal Tax Issue Boiling to the Top as Remote Working Trend Grows

Moving to a community with more attractive tax rates is nothing new.  Elon Musk made the high-profile shift from California’s 13% state income and capital gains tax rates to the zero income and capital gains tax rates in taxes.  17 states permit municipalities to charge an income tax.  States generally decide who these municipalities can

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Jobs Alliance Testifies in Support of Ohio Tax Abatement Reform

The Ohio Jobs Alliance Executive Director Nate Green testified in support of Ohio House Bill 123 that would provide the first substantive reform of Ohio’s tax abatement laws since 1994.  A region’s property tax rates can directly impact their ability to retain and attract industrial, logistics, data centers and other capital-intensive corporate site location projects

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COVID-19 Economic Relief Promises Massive Funding Opportunities

Congress recently passed another round of economic relief to deal with the continued fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden Administration’s proposed package totaling $1.9 trillion cleared both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives bringing a slew of new dollars to everything from direct stimulus payments totaling $1400 for individuals making $75,000 and

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U.S. House Announces Federal Budget Earmarks Return to Fund Community Projects

Majority Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives announced they plan to reinstitute the provision of legislative earmarks for the $1.4 T in federal discretionary spending through the federal budget.  But House Democrats detailing how the process will work in that chamber is just one piece of the puzzle. The Senate has yet to announce when

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Smart Corporate Site Location Strategies Help Companies Benefit from Remote Working

Remote working is here to stay.  That certainly is the indication from surveys of business leaders that stems because of COVID 19.  Forbes reported that a Gartner CFO survey revealed that over two-thirds (74%) plan to permanently shift employees to remote work after the Covid-19 crisis ends. Big Tech companies are leading the way—from Twitter

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Property Tax Rates Play a Critical Role in Logistics and Manufacturing Projects

Manufacturing and logistics are hot growth markets in today’s COVID 19 economy launching what could be seen as a second Industrial Revolution.  A sites’ property tax rate and the availability of property tax abatement programs to provide an economic incentive for logistics and manufacturing projects both impact opportunities to gain these jobs.  Shifts in consumer

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