The state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project fund, which is expected to provide $150-$170 M in funding for arts, sports, recreation, workforce development, health care, and other economic development projects, has application dates set of January 10, 2020 for members of the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate to submit their project applications to leadership of the House and Senate. The state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project is a legislative enactment formed in consultation with Governor Mike DeWine and legislative leadership of the Ohio House and Senate. This is an opportunity for funding for capital projects bondable to a state agency, and, in the past, projects were awarded funding all over the state of Ohio. The leadership of the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate created an application process for their members to submit projects for the capital budget. Gaining the support of area legislators is an important lobbying step and one that must be achieved if a community, company or not-for-profit institution is seeking state capital budget community project funding. Competition for state capital budget funding is expected to be fierce so please contact Dave Robinson at [email protected] or Tim Biggam at [email protected] if you need assistance with gaining state capital budget community project funding.