Montrose Successfully Advocates for $ 173,000,000 in PPP Funding in 2022

Montrose clients had a strong year in 2022 as industrial development continued to grow, state and federal funding flowed, and lobbying clients blossomed. Montrose highlights for 2022 include:

Corporate Site Location and Project Financing.

  • Successfully advocated for a $50,000 JobsOhio workforce development grant for an Ohio corporate site location project for a computer software firm;
  • Successfully advised a Northwest Ohio community to develop a Community Reinvestment Area tax abatement that led to the attraction of a new $536M manufacturing facility and the creation of 450 jobs;
  • Successfully advised the Van Wert Port Authority, Ohio on two local projects valued at $11.6M; and
  • Successfully advocated for a $2M JobsOhio Ohio Site Inventory Program infrastructure grant for a national industrial developer to develop a 350-acre site in Columbus, Ohio.

Economic Development Advisors.

  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Ashville, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Delaware County, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Forest Park, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Greenfield, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Madison County, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to North Canton, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Pataskala, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Piqua, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Southwest Licking Water, and Sewer District in Licking County, Ohio;
  • Serving as an economic development advisor to Strongsville, Ohio; and
  • Serving as economic development recruiter for Delaware County and City of Forest Park, Ohio.

Economic Development Planning.

  • Developing the regional comprehensive economic development plan and fiscal analysis for Circleville, Ohio;
  • Developing the regional comprehensive economic development plan for Morrow County, Ohio;
  • Developing the regional comprehensive economic development plan for Plain City, Ohio;
  • Developing the regional comprehensive economic development plan for Union Township, Licking County, Ohio;
  • Successfully developed two Downtown Redevelopment District plans that created an incentive program in a Northwest Ohio community to encourage historic preservation-based redevelopment;
  • Successfully developed a workforce development plan for a rural city community improvement corporation in Northwest Ohio;
  • Developing a business incubator feasibility study for Sidney, Ohio;
  • Developing a Downtown Redevelopment District Plan for the Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation;
  • Developing speculative industrial building projects in western and eastern Ohio communities using the Ohio Rural Industrial Park Loan Program loan and grant program;
  • Successfully attracted residential developer to Northwest Ohio community needing to create new single-family residential housing stock; and
  • Supporting Ohio Appalachian Community Grant Program Round 1 Development Grant application for southern Ohio counseling and workforce development organization.

Federal Budget Earmarks.

  • Successfully advocated for Madison County to gain $765,000 in a federal budget earmark for water and sewer infrastructure funding;
  • Successfully advocated for Forest Park, Ohio to gain $1.2 million in a federal budget earmark for transportation infrastructure;
  • Successfully advocated for the Pickaway Transportation Improvement District to gain a $5 M federal budget earmark grant for transportation infrastructure, a $170,000 Ohio Department of Transportation Planning Grant, and a $500,000 Ohio Department of Transportation TID Grant for transportation improvements in Northern Pickaway County; and
  • Successfully advocated for the Steubenville Grand Theater to gain a $500,000 federal budget earmark.

Government Procurement

  • Successfully advocated for a global consulting firm to gain a major state of Ohio procurement contract to implement an aspect of the American Rescue Plan Act; and
  • Successfully advocated for $8 million in additional jail capital funding for an Ohio county from the state of Ohio.

Land Use and Local Economic Development Incentives.

  • Successfully advocated for a zoning variance before the City of Columbus, Ohio for a national developer at a planned industrial site;
  • Successfully advocated for the development of a solar farm in Jackson County, Ohio for a global merchant energy company;
  • Successfully advocated for nearly $3M Ohio Brownfield Redevelopment grant and an expansion of a Pre-1994 Community Reinvestment Act tax abatement for a Columbus, Ohio-based mixed-use development;
  • Successfully advocated for land use, economic development incentive and school compensation agreements for a national industrial developer in Pickaway County, Tipp City, Toledo, and Canal Winchester including gaining a $9.9M Ohio Brownfield Redevelopment Program grant and Community Reinvestment Area tax abatements valued at $61.8M;
  • Successfully advocated for a $1.95M Ohio Site Inventory Program grant as well as an expansion of a Pre-1994 Community Reinvestment Area tax abatement valued at $13.25M for a national industrial developer for a project in Columbus, Ohio and
  • Successfully advocated for a $290,000 Ohio Vibrant Community Program grant for southwest Ohio community for redevelopment of vacant mixed-use property in underserved neighborhood.

Ohio General Assembly. 

  • Successfully advocated for the Ohio General Assembly to fund a $50 M Ohio performing arts funding program from American Rescue Plan Act funding;
  • Successfully advocated for a client’s sale of Ohio historic preservation tax credits and Transformational Mixed Use Development tax credits and a $1 M state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant;
  • Successfully advocated for a regional hospital to gain $500,000 in funding for a state of Ohio Capital Budget project grant;
  • Successfully advocated for a Columbus based performing arts organization to gain a $650,000 state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant;
  • Successfully advocated for Forest Park, Ohio to gain a $150,000 state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant;
  • Successfully advocated for Strongsville, Ohio to gain a $725,000 state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant;
  • Successfully advocated for Piqua, Ohio to gain a $150,000 state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant; and
  • Successfully advocated for regional historic theater to gain a $350,000 state of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project grant.

2022 proved a very successful year for the Montrose Group and we remain optimistic that 2023 will be just as great. Please don’t hesitate to contact Dave Robinson at if you have any questions about advocating for PPP or other project financing.
