Montrose Group Launches Jobs Alliance to Advocate on Economic Development Policy

In an age of a global pandemic and civil unrest, it is still critical to remember to economic prosperity accessible to all is a critical societal goal.  A job truly can solve most societal challenges.  However, in a hyper competitive global economy, jobs simply do not appear.  Sound public policy, hardworking economic development leaders and public officials matched with business leaders willing to risk their capital must come together to create jobs and make capital investment. 

Promoting this notion of economic development is the mission of the Montrose Group—a boutique consulting firm focused on economic development and public policy issues.  Montrose Group understands that the local, state, and federal policy decisions have a greater impact than the operation of any economic development program.  State laws in particular impact the cost of doing business, workforce available, infrastructure in place and all the other factors necessary to encourage the development of high-wage jobs and capital investment. 

To further this goal of promoting economic development public policy, Montrose Group formed the Jobs Alliance—a coalition of public and private sector organizations that recognize the critical need for local, state, and federal public policy that supports the creation of high-wage jobs and capital investment that communities need to operate great schools, provide essential public services, and develop the infrastructure and quality of life that everyone hopes to enjoy. 

The Jobs Alliance is focused first on economic development public policy matters in the state of Ohio. Ohio faces long-term economic development challenges as the state’s large base of high-wage manufacturing jobs has declined starting in the 1970s impacting the state through low population and economic growth compared to many other regions of the United States.  However, Ohio remains the 7th largest state in the United States with a diverse industry base and large population base in urban and rural markets.  Ohio benefits as well from Jobs Ohio that is implementing an aggressive economic development program centered around the retention and attraction of high-wage jobs to the state, but Ohio remains a higher cost state to operate a business compared to high-growth southern and southwest U.S. markets that can only be impacted through smart public policy investments.  The smart public policy investments need to focus on infrastructure development tied to growing the technology sector, enhancing broadband services and industrial sites to spread economic growth to all 88 counties.  The Jobs Alliance will work with public and private sector partners, Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and members of the Ohio General Assembly to promote sound public policy that supports private sector growth, development and investment that creates jobs, develops quality housing, and builds a better Ohio.  Nate Green, Director of Economic Development, will serve as the Executive Director of the Jobs Alliance—Nate is a senior level leader with 20 years of local and state economic development experience including holding executive level leadership positions at the Ohio Department of Development and JobsOhio.  The Jobs Alliance will actively advocate on state legislation to support or oppose bills or policies impacting the economic success of the Buckeye State.  Please contact Dave Robinson at if you have an interest in joining the Jobs Alliance.  
