The Montrose Group is excited to announce Jamie Beier Grant, the Executive Director of the Ottawa County, Ohio Community Improvement Corporation, will join the firm as Manager of Economic and Workforce Development. The Montrose Group is a Columbus, Ohio based business consulting firm that provides corporate site location, economic development planning, lobbying and project financing services throughout the United States.
Jamie Beier Grant served as Executive Director of the Ottawa County Community Improvement Corporation since 2004 providing county level economic development services facing the northern Ohio County. Prior to her Ottawa County service, Ms. Grant served with the Regional Growth Partnership, a Northwest Ohio private sector regional economic development services.
“I am excited to serve public and private sector economic development clients with corporate site location services, tax incentives strategies and negotiations, workforce development strategies and solutions, site development strategies, and transportation, energy, and infrastructure issues,” stated Jamie Beier Grant, “Taking my local and regional economic development experience and applying these lessons learned to other communities and companies will have a major impact on regions, states and the nation.”
Ms. Grant brings substantial economic development experience to the Montrose Group team that includes: attraction of $800 million+ in new business investment, including the creation of 500+ new jobs; leveraged $40 million+ in financing and incentives for businesses; project manager for construction of $1.5 million, 50,000 sq.ft. speculative industrial building with the building sold prior to completion, with $12.5 million in additional private sector investment; and created the Ottawa County workforce development program based upon funding from the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family services and OhioMeansJobs.
“Adding a leader like Jamie Beier Grant to the Montrose Group enhances the bench strength of the organization to serve clients with traditional corporate site location, economic development planning and site development issues,” stated Dave Robinson, Principal of the Montrose Group, “Her workforce development experience adds a new dimension of services for companies and communities in search of not only a strategy but solutions for the development of skilled labor.”
The Montrose Group is a national economic development consulting company with active corporate site location projects in Ohio, Arizona, and Illinois, represents national industrial developers in the land use entitlements, incentives and infrastructure negotiations needed to prepare sites for development, drafted over two dozen economic development strategic plans, and represents clients before local, state and federal government. The Montrose Group team has negotiated over $1 B in economic development incentives through a multi-state corporate site location process from the perspective of a good lobbyist- define the ROI for a company and community of a project up front, understand the local and state corporate site location process and how government incentives operate, work in concert with private real estate brokers, and utilize relationships with regional economic development organizations that result in a win-win result for companies and communities.