Just in-time for the 2022 construction season the Congress finally authorized FY 22 funding for the federal infrastructure law in the recently passed and signed federal appropriations legislation.
Last November Congress passed, and President Biden signed the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA). After nearly five months Congress has finally authorized the first $76 billion of the overall $1.2 trillion federal infrastructure spending plan allowing for funded programs to begin supporting projects throughout the country and in Ohio.
As a refresher for what was authorized in the $1.2 trillion IIJA:
- $110 billion to repair aging highways, bridges, and roads, with $40 billion dedicated for bridges.
- $39 billion is dedicated to public transit to expand transportation systems, replace buses, rail cars and add additional stations, track, and power systems.
- $66 billion to improve rail service in the Northeastern US as well as other areas of country to improve and expand routes.
- $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations, and $5 billion for the purchase of electric and hybrid school buses.
- $65 billion for broadband access to help improve access to high-speed broadband for rural areas, low-income families, and tribal communities.
- $65 billion to modernize the nations electric grid, to improve reliability and resiliency of the power grid.
- $25 billion to improve runways, gates, and taxiways at airports and to improve terminals. The bill also provides funding to improve aging air traffic control towers.
- $55 billion on water and wastewater infrastructure, with $15 billion to replace lead pipes and $10 billion to address water contamination from polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Ohio is in line to see a significant resources over the next five years and the Ohio Department of Transportation along with regional and local transportation infrastructure partners are preparing for the availability of these now appropriated resources including Ohio’s transit agencies which are in line to receive $1.35 billion in transit aid. Overall Ohio is set to see funding support for programs in the below categories;
- $9.2 billion in highway funding for repair and replacement of aging highway infrastructure.
- $483 to repair and replace Ohio bridges and access to another $33 billion in competitive grant funding for highway and multi-modal projects
- Access to $60 billion in grants, including $45 billion for state and local governments to fund major projects across the state
- $1.4 billion to improve water infrastructure, including removing lead pipes that carry drinking water.
- $253 million for Ohio’s airports to make improvements to terminals, runways, and air traffic control systems.
- $140 million for electric vehicle charging stations.
- $1.2 billion to improve public transportation.
- $100 million to expand broadband access.
One priority project for the State of Ohio along with the State of Kentucky has already been announced, with each state’s saying they jointly intend to seek $2 billion in support for the rehabilitation and replacement of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky’s Brent Spence Bridge through the Major Bridge Replacement program created in the IIJA.
As Ohio and other states over the next five years begin to implement these programs and seek funds for projects along with their local government partners and other transportation entities, it will be important to develop plans for action that are focused on future growth. If you would like to learn more about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how The Montrose Group can support your organization, you can contact Tim Biggam, Director of Government Relations, tbiggam@montrosegroupllc.com.