
  • The Nebraska Economic Opportunity Program is a rapid response initiative directed by the Nebraska Department of Transportation to  attract and sustain growth by making local grants for strategic transportation improvements creating business in the state, projects must show a clear need that the improvement will generate economic prosperity by create high-quality, private sector jobs paying above the median wage for the region, public entities are eligible to apply and must provide matching funds equal to at least 25% of the total transportation project cost, and a benefitting business must be identified to the Department of Transportation and provide credible evidence of development plans for the site served by the project.
  • The Renewable Chemical Production Tax Credit is a tax credit available to businesses who produce at least one million pounds of renewable chemicals from Nebraska-based agricultural products.
  • Nebraska’s Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit provides a 20% refundable tax credit capped at $10,000 to micro businesses on increased compensation for employees or increased investment in targeted communities.
  • The ImagiNE Nebraska Act is organized into eight application levels based on location, business activity, investment, and employees added. Businesses may qualify for tax credits, sales tax refunds/exemptions, and other personal property tax exemptions.
  • The ImagiNE Nebraska Act offers sales and property tax breaks to data centers, starting with those that invest at least $5 million and add 30 employees in the state, or invest at least $50 million while maintaining steady employment in the state.
  • Nebraska Site and Building Development Fund finances land and building acquisition, building construction, infrastructure development and improvements, and other approved costs, typical awards are expected to be between $250,000 and $500,000 in the form of grants or zero-interest loans, requires matching funds of at least an amount equal to 100% of the assistance provided, ultimate award varies upon capacity of the applicant and development team to complete the project and whether the project will locate a company to the site/building, the type of industry, and investment thresholds.
  • Nebraska Tax Increment Financing permits the creation of TIF districts in blighted or near-blighted areas, freezes the property tax valuation for the life of the district, as value within the district increases with development, tax revenue collected above the frozen value is captured by the TIF-initiating district and allocated to paying for development projects within the TIF district, Nebraska does not base a TIF upon economic development projects but upon slum and blight.